Candles Enchanted with:  Sigil | Oils | Intention |  Glitter  | Offerings  |  Local  | Delivery   


A Note on Candle Interpretation

At the Aquarian, we carry multiple styles of candle:

  • Enchanted Candles >

  • Enchanted Limited Candles >

  • Dressed Candles >

  • Reiki-charged Candles

  • Plain candles in 7-day Pull-Out, Jumbo, Coach, or Zap sizes

  • Figure Candles

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Enchanted Candles are carved by Head Apothecary & Candle Expert, Grace Oxley and are inspired by the work of Lady Rhea, author of The Enchanted Candle and The Enchanted Formulary. Each candle is carved with a sigil, oiled, and glittered with a specific intention, and appropriate offerings placed within the glass.


burn for about a week when burned continuously; they have a set magical intention and are easy for beginners. Each comes with a written incantation you can read out to focus your goals for the candle’s magic. When you burn one of these style candles, write out on a piece of paper the names of any individuals involved and what you want to happen. This can be as detailed as you wish. Place the paper under the glass like a coaster before you light it. Please remove plastic cover and rubber bands, cardboard insert and incantation before you light it.


burn for about a week when burned continuously; they have a set magical intention and are easy for beginners. Each candle has been “dressed” with a combination of oils, herbs, resins and glitter to magically invoke the desired outcome. When you burn one of these style candles, write out on a piece of paper the names of any individuals involved and what you want to happen. This can be as detailed as you wish. Place the paper under the glass like a coaster before you light it. Please remove plastic cover and rubber bands before you light it.


also have set intentions, and like the Enchanted candles they have optional affirmations/incantations you can read before you light them. Reiki candles are scented and have the scent mix listed on their labels or papers. Reiki candles can be burned in any type of candle holder or on a heat-safe surface.


are open ended in intention; you can dress them with oil, carve into them, apply glitter or herbs– they can get as simple or complicated as you like. Plain candles can be burned in any style of candle holder or on a heat-safe surface.

enchanted candles

enchanted limited candles

Dressed Candles

Days to Burn Dressed Candles

Candle Name Time to Burn Best Moon Phase
Abundance: Golden Buddha Friday or Sunday Waxing Moon
Ave Maria Any day; Sunday is best
Banishing Saturday
Banishing: Unwanted Visitors Saturday Waning Moon
Bayberry Friday or Sunday
Black Tobacco Sunday
Block Breaker Tuesday or Saturday
Chakra Healing Sunday or Any day
Come to Me Friday or Sunday Waxing Moon
Court Case The Sunday before court begins
Creativity Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday
Crown of Success Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Sunday
Double Action Reversible, Red Tuesday or Saturday Waning Moon
Double Action Reversible: Evil Eye Tuesday or Saturday Waning Moon
Double Action Reversible: Money Tuesday or Saturday Waning Moon
Fast Luck Any day
Fertility Friday or Monday Waxing Moon
Fiery Wall of Protection Tuesday or Saturday Waning Moon
Florida Water Any day
Focus Any day
Get a Job Wednesday or Friday Waxing Moon
Good Health Wednesday or Sunday
Gran Poder Sunday before court
Grieving Release Any day
Grounding Any day
Guardian Angel Sunday
Healing Wednesday or Sunday
Healing Heart Friday
High John the Conquerer Sunday
House Blessing: Palo Santo Sunday
Jinx Removing Saturday or Tuesday
La Milagrosa: Court Cases for Children    Sunday before court
Law Keep Away Saturday
Love Uncrossing Friday or Sunday
Mary Undoer of Knots Sunday
Mercury Retrograde Wednesday before or during Mercury retrograde    
Money Drawing, Gold Friday or Sunday Waxing Moon
Money Drawing, Green Friday or Sunday Waxing Moon
Moon Rituals Monday, or The day of the New or Full Moon
Peaceful Home Sunday or Monday
Positive Energy Any day
Protection Sunday
Red Uncrossing Tuesday or Saturday Waning Moon
Road Opener Wednesday or Sunday Waxing Moon
Run Devil Run Tuesday or Saturday
Saint Expedite Sunday
Saint Michael Tuesday
Santa Muerte Protection, Black Sunday
Santa Muerte Love, Red Friday
Santa Muerte Problem Solving, White Sunday
Spellbreaker Saturday Waning Moon
Spider Queen Tuesday or Saturday
Spirit Any day
Spiritual Cleanse Any day
Steady Love Friday or Monday
Steady Work Friday or Sunday Waxing Moon
Stop Gossip Tuesday or Saturday
Uncover Secret Operations Tuesday or Saturday
Uncrossing Any day
Uncrossing: Unbewitching Any day
Van Van: House Clearing Saturday Waning Moon

A Note from the Candle Makers on Candle Interpretation

The most powerful magic is your intentions.

Have faith in what you are trying to accomplish and its inevitable success.

Glass Interpretation:

The appearance of the glass after burning a seven day prayer candle may help you determine its outcome. Please let your candles burn out completely before interpreting their results.

Result #1

A clear glass is a good sign that your intention was received well. Some remaining wax in the glass is normal. White or light gray ash is a positive sign.

Result #2

A glass that is dark and smoky at the top but clears up by the time it reaches the bottom is a sign that your intention encountered obstacles, but that it worked through them. You may want to follow up the intention with another candle to continue the intention’s work.

Result #3

A glass that is black from top to bottom indicates that your intention encountered many obstacles, and it might be time to burn an uncrossing candle related to your intention before continuing with that intention.

Burn Times

  • If your candle burns completely in less than seven days, your intention is working quickly and powerfully.

  • If your candle extinguishes itself early, there are a few circumstances that could be taking place.

  1. Try moving your candle to a different surface and relighting it; it may be burning near a draft. Candles for different intentions should be burned on separate surfaces as they may interfere with each other.

  2. If the wick is too short to stay lit or disappears below the surface of the candle, melt the wax around the wick with a lighter and swirl the liquid wax around the sides of the glass until you have at least a 1/4″ of visible wick. Do not try to manually dig the wick out of the wax, as this will damage the wick and prevent your candle from being relit. 

  3. If your candle refuses to stay lit after taking the previous steps, consider what intention you are burning it for. Sometimes you will need to do uncrossing, cleansing, or block-breaking work to help the intention go through. Alternatively, sometimes the candle has finished its work early and the intention is already accomplished. Look for the effect of the candle to determine what may be happening.

  • Candle interpretation based on the experience of our staff and information drawn from The Magical Power of the Saints by Rev. Ray T. Malbrough.