Salts | CANDLES | OILS | Cleansing Waters | Mists | Mojo Bags | Honey Pots | Herbs | Curios | Powders
Discover a diverse array of apothecary items at both Aquarian Bookshop locations! From loose incense to house-made oils, baths, and starter kits for magical practice, our selection covers many needs.
Explore the magic and energy of these items today. Please note that availability and pricing are subject to change. Contact us for more information or to place an order.
Frequently Asked Questions
All of our apothecary products are made in store by our trained staff members. Our recipes were developed from the expertise of root workers and magical practitioners over the course of more than twenty years.
Our products are made with the same quality herbs and oils that we sell in our store.
Apothecary is a traditional term from when healing and medicine were procured from the same place. Though it originally meant just the person prescribing your treatment and preparing your remedies, it now refers to the location as well.
We do not suggest ingesting essential oils without the direct guidance of a naturopath or doctor. Essential oils are highly concentrated and their safety can vary with dosage.
At this time, our herbs are not intended for internal use, as we do not follow food standards for handling and packaging them.
Essential oils are highly concentrated oils extracted directly from plants and resins.
Fragrance oils are synthetic or blended oils made to replicate the scent and properties of their fragrance without the safety, ethical, or cost concerns, or where the scent doesn’t produce an oil.
Both essential and fragrance oils should be diluted before using on your skin.
Fill out our form or Email shop@aquarianbookshop.com
& visit us at one of our 2 Richmond Locations.
2024 Apothecary product list
$33 EACH
FORTUNE’S FAVOR - Turn the financial tides to your aid and change your luck
HYPNOTIQUE - Enchant and entice a passionate lover
LOVE DRAWING SOLAR BLAST - Draw positive energy into your love relationships and bring new love
LOVE’S MESSENGER - Heal the way you communicate love
SPELLBOUND - Capture the attention of someone special
HEALING - Soothe physical, mental, and emotional discomfort and draw in regenerative energy
UNCROSSING - Clear away negative, stagnant energy from any aspect of your life
PROTECTION - Build your energetic shield against physical, spiritual, and psychological attack
EMPLOYMENT PYRAMID - Seek a new job, raise, or promotion
MONEY DRAWING SOLAR BLAST - Give your financial life a sunny boost
CHAKRA CLEANSE - Clear, balance, and align to let your energy flow
SOLAR BLAST - Pour positive energy into all aspects of your life
BANISHING - Clear away limitations, negativity, and toxic energy
EMPRESS OF LOVE - Enjoy an abundance of love, blessings, and romance
SEAL OF SUCCESS - Attract the outcome you desire in any endeavor
HOUSE BLESSING - Bring blessings of peace and positivity to your home and family
ANCESTRAL GUIDANCE - Ground yourself and connect to the wisdom of past generations and traditions
$60 each
When you’re looking for a deep connection to the energies that change and shift the world around you, call upon the power of Enchanted Limited candles. These candles are handcrafted one at a time and draw upon gods and goddesses, archetypes, and powerful symbols. Burn for significant life changes, divine wisdom, and influencing situations in your favor. Custom candles available.
$13.95 each
ABUNDANCE: GOLDEN BUDDHA - Attract auspicious circumstances and good fortune
AVE MARIA - Make special requests for divine aid
BANISHING - Disperse negativity from anything (or anyone) that no longer serves your highest purpose
BANISHING UNWANTED VISITORS - Remove negative entities from your home
BAYBERRY - A traditional candle for bringing in luck to the home and money to the pocket
BLACK TOBACCO - Burn for better outcomes during tough court cases
BLOCKBREAKER - Break up energy impeding the outcome you seek
CHAKRA HEALING - Find harmony within by cleansing, aligning, and balancing your energy centers
COME TO ME - Draw in a new love or bring an existing love closer
COURT CASE - Draw the favor of judge and jury in legal proceedings
CREATIVITY - Tap into the depths of your creative potential
CROWN OF SUCCESS - Attract the best outcome in any endeavor
DOUBLE ACTION EVIL EYE REVERSIBLE - Send the envious intentions of others back
DOUBLE ACTION MONEY REVERSIBLE - Clear away misfortune and blockages to drawing in money
FAST LUCK - Increase your attractiveness to cash, love, luck, and blessings
FERTILITY - Invite new souls into your family line
FIERY WALL OF PROTECTION - Shield yourself with fierce strength and enforce your boundaries
FLORIDA WATER - Settle obstructions in your life favorably to get things in order
FOCUS - Enhance mental clarity, strengthen willpower, and increase concentration
GET A JOB - Draw employment that best suits your financial goals and skills
GOOD HEALTH - Promote an energy of wellbeing and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit
GRAN PODER - For court cases when all evidence is against you
GRIEVING RELEASE - Process the experience of loss and let go of its effects
GROUNDING - Release fears and chaotic energy and connect with your foundations
GUARDIAN ANGEL - Shield yourself with gentle angelic energy; especially good for children
HEALING - Draw in energy to restore, revitalize, and uplift
HEALING HEART - Release past relationship wounds and restore your emotional center
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR - Draw victory in any endeavor
HOUSE BLESSING: PALO SANTO - Bring blessings and positive energy to a home or location
JINX REMOVING - Break your streak of bad luck and clear away lingering conditions
LA MILAGROSA COURT CASES FOR CHILDREN - Used during legal proceedings involving children to attract the most desirable outcome in their best interest
LAW KEEP AWAY - Let the meddling of the law overlook you
LOVE UNCROSSING - Use in existing relationships to clear away confusion that keeps you from your best love, or for singles to prepare for better love
MARY UNDOER OF KNOTS - Petition to release bindings and for solutions to difficult problems, especially for women and children
MERCURY RX - Burn during Mercury Retrograde to ease interruptions
MONEY DRAWING GOLD - Receive greater financial stability and resources through employment and business
MONEY DRAWING GREEN - Attract financial blessings in the form of cash and windfalls
MOON RITUALS - Call upon lunar energy for manifestation and psychic abilities; can be burned on new or full moons
PEACEFUL HOME - Calm tempers and ease relations between household members
POSITIVE ENERGY - Shine light on any situation to dispel negativity and boost low spirits
PROTECTION - Wrap yourself in peaceful, calm light and strengthen your shields
RED UNCROSSING - Burn when facing up against serious enemies
REVERSIBLE - Send negativity back to its source
ROAD OPENER - Clear the path of obstacles to meet opportunity
RUN DEVIL RUN - Send away bothersome people from your work, love life, or home
SAINT EXPEDITE - Ask for a quick resolution in your favor of any problem
SAINT MICHAEL - Call upon the Archangel Michael to clear away obstacles and fight on your behalf
SANTA MUERTE PROTECTION - Ask the saint of Holy Death to keep you safe and secure
SANTA MUERTE LOVE - Petition the saint of Holy Death to bring you love and relationship assistance
SANTA MUERTE PROBLEM SOLVING - Ask the saint of Holy Death for protection from all troubles and solutions to problems in your life
SPELLBREAKER - Bring an end to magic done against you
SPIDER QUEEN - Bring the lies and manipulations of an adversary out into the open
SPIRIT - Call on higher powers for connection, enlightenment, and direction
SPIRITUAL CLEANSE - Restore a person’s energetic state to its highest, purest form
STEADY LOVE - Encourage a faithful, passionate love in committed relationships
STEADY WORK - Reap the fruits of your hard labor with bountiful clientele, hours, and contracts
STOP GOSSIP - Prevent and clear away harmful messages about you
STOP PSYCHIC ATTACK - End the efforts of others to mentally, spiritually, or energetically assault you
UNCOVER SECRET OPERATIONS - Reveal conspiracies, lies, and underhanded intentions being done against you
UNCROSSING - Clear unhelpful energy and blockages in any aspect of your life
VAN VAN HOUSE CLEARING - Sweep away negativity and stagnant energy for a happier home
ENCHANTED & DRESSED CANDLES burn continuously for about a week; they have a set magical intention & are easy for beginners. Remove all packaging from the candle (plastic cover and rubber bands, cardboard insert and incantation for our Enchanted candles, plastic cover & rubber bands for our dressed candles) before you light it.
Visit our Charged Candle page HERE.
house made starter Kits
$24.75 EACH; includes a bag with herb blend, intention paper, anointing oil and instructions.
HEALING: Promote an energy of wellbeing and wholeness.
FERTILITY: Invite a new soul into your family line.
NEW JOB & CAREER SUCCESS: Give your job prospects a boost.
MONEY DRAWING: Bring in prosperous energy and good fortune.
COME TO ME: Bring the best love to you.
PROTECTION: Guard yourself against physical and spiritual attacks.
MERCURY RETROGRADE: Ease the effects of the astrological condition on travel, business, and communication.
$24.75 EACH; includes jar with herb blend, paper, candle, condition oil, and instructions.
COME TO ME: Attract a romantic intended and sweeten their feelings towards you.
FERTILITY: For matters of conception and safe pregnancy.
HEALING: Let your health concerns ease and settle in a positive manner.
HOUSE BLESSING: Bring peace and positivity to your home and family.
MONEY DRAWING: Bring in abundance, prosperity, and financial resources
NEW JOB & CAREER SUCCESS: Sweeten interviewers, create new opportunities, and find the job, raise, or promotion you want.
POSITIVE ENERGY: Light up your world with sweet, bright energy.
PROTECTION: Strengthen your boundaries and shield against outside forces.
$27.99 EACH; Includes White Sage, Palo Santo, Herb Bundle, an Abalone Shell, a ritual Feather, a carved wooden stand, and instructions for use.
Seasonal Item
$33 each; includes two dressed candles, 2oz room mist, 3oz bath salt, crystals, moon phase calendar and instructions for use
MOJO BAG STARTER KIT Longer-term workings to manifest and influence situations in your favor that you carry with you.
HONEY POT STARTER KIT Longer-term workings to “sweeten” your intention left in one place.
SMOKE CLEANSING KIT For beginners: materials and instructions for a simple method for cleansing home and self.
PROSPERITY & NEW YEAR’S BLESSINGS KIT Start your year off right! A universal kit for beginners and adepts alike to align your intentions for the coming year.
$4.50 per 3oz
CROWN OF SUCCESS: Attract luck and better outcomes in all you do.
PROTECTION - DRAGON’S HEART: Shield yourself with fire and strength.
FOCUS: Seek your goal with a clear head and open eyes.
HEALING HEART: Release wounds of the past.
LOVE APHRODITE: Wrap yourself in love’s embrace.
LOVE UNCROSSING: Clear away obstacles to your best love.
LULLABY: Soothe away troubles for relaxation and sleep.
NEW MONEY: Draw in new financial resources.
ROAD OPENER: Clear your path forward.
SPIRITUAL CLEANSE: Restore your energetic state to its purest, highest level.
UNCROSSING: Let go of energies that no longer serve you.
$5.85 per 2oz bottle; $9.99 per 4oz bottle
CALM & RELAX: Soothe away stress and anxiety to feel refreshed and balanced.
COME TO ME: Bring in love in all its many forms.
FAST LUCK: Attract positive fortune in luck, money, and love.
GOOD HEALTH: Promote wellness and vitality in body, mind, and spirit.
MONEY DRAWING: For financial prosperity, business success, and quick cash.
PALO SANTO: Clear negative energy while inviting in positive, beneficial energy.
POSITIVE ENERGY: Give your space a sunny, bright boost.
PROTECTION: Strengthen your aura and wrap yourself in a shield of light.
WHITE SAGE: Send away unhelpful energy and reset your energetic state.
$4.50 per half ounce
MOON: For rituals invoking lunar energy and enhancing all forms of divination.
PROTECTION: Calming, relaxing blend to ease tensions and build feelings of security.
SWEET SUCCESS: Bless your intentions with positivity and victory.
TRANQUILITY: Cleanse your energy to calm, cool, and create balance.
UNCROSSING: Clear away old energy and anything binding you from your highest purpose.
WITCH’S FLYING: Invoke mystical knowledge, psychic abilities, and insight.
GOOD EARTH: Create a rich soil for grounding and growing your manifestations.
HEALING: Draw in energy for physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
HOUSE BLESSING: Invite positive energy, calm, and balance into your living space.
LAKSHMI: Celebrate wealth and beauty with the Hindu goddess of love and prosperity.
COME TO ME: Draw couples closer together, build that loving feeling, or bring in new love.
MONEY DRAWING: Attract wealth and prosperity.
POSITIVE ENERGY: Brighten and boost your intentions.
ROAD OPENER: Clear your path to opportunity and success.
$7.20 per ounce
EVIL BE GONE - send away all negative, evil intentions, people, and energies
HECATE - invoke protection and blessings from the Goddess herself and receive the wisdom of the crone
JINX REMOVING - clear a jinx or crossed condition when you have a bad energy around you that doesn’t want to budge
LAW STAY AWAY - keep the law of the land from meddling in your affairs
LOVE DRAWING - attract the love you desire or reignite the passion in your current relationship
MONEY DRAWING - keep money flowing in from all directions; use to dress your money to bring it back to you
SAINT MICHAEL - invoke the Archangel to bring you protection and cut negative energies from your path
UNCROSSING - spiritually cleanse your body, mind and spirit and remove negative energy you may have picked up in your daily life
SPIRITUAL BATH SALTS Cleanse & revitalize. Intentionally blended with sea salt, essential oils, and herbs.
ROOM MISTS Crafted with care and magical intention to bring you a smoke-free way to enhance your environment with spiritual energy.
LOOSE INCENSE A combination of herbs, oils and resins in a bamboo wood base. Burn on top of charcoal for best effect.
POWDER BLENDS Traditional, universal blends with essential oils and dried herbs. Can be worn in your clothing, rolled onto candles, or sprinkled anywhere you need their energy.
Aquarian Oils
Name | Price per .5oz | Price per dram
Allspice (India) $9 $2.97
Amber Brown (India) $18 $5.40
Amyris Sandalwood (Haiti) $13.50 $4.50
Angelica Root $22.50 $6.30
Anise Seed $6.75 $2.97
Balsam Fir $9 $2.97
Basil $9.45 $2.97
Bay Laurel $9.45 $2.97
Benzoin (Sumatra) $4.95 $2.97
Bergamot $12.60 $4.50
Betel Leaf $14.40 $4.50
Birch $6.75 $2.97
Black Pepper $11.70 $4.50
Black Spruce (Canada) $9 $2.97
Blood Orange $4.95 $2.97
Blue Lotus Abs 10% $9 $2.97
Blue Lotus Absolute $54 $16.20
Calamus Root $9 $2.97
Calendula $8.91 $3.60
Camphor $4.95 $2.97
Cardamom $9.99 $3.60
Carrot Seed $5.85 $2.97
Cassia $6.30 $2.97
Cassia (High Vanillin) $6.30 $2.97
Cedarwood $4.95 $2.97
Celery Seed $8.55 $2.97
Chamomile German (Nepal) $14.40 $4.50
Chypre 10% $8.10 $2.97
Chypre Absolute $36 $9.99
Cinnamon $6.93 $2.97
Citronella $5.94 $2.97
Clary Sage $13.50 $4.50
Clementine $4.95 $2.97
Clove Bud $6.48 $2.97
Coffee $9.99 $3.60
Cubeb $9 $2.97
Cypress $9 $2.97
Dalmatian Sage (Hungary) $7.20 $2.70
Eucalyptus (China) $5.94 $2.97
Fennel Seed $5.85 $2.97
Frangipani 10% $9 $2.97
Frangipani Absolute $58.50 $18
Frankincense (Steam) $13.50 $4.50
Frankincense (Dark) $13.50 $5.40
Frankincense (Light) – Out of Stock $28.80 $9
Galangal Absolute $18 $5.40
Galbanum $18 $4.95
Gardenia Absolute $18 $5.40
Geranium (Egypt) $13.50 $5.40
Ginger $11.70 $4.50
Grapefruit $8.10 $2.97
Helichrysum $18.99 $7.20
Heliotrope $22.50 $7.20
Honeysuckle $10.80 $3.60
Hyssop $12.60 $4.50
Jasmine 10% $9 $2.97
Jasmine Grandiflorum $45 $16.20
Juniper Berry $4.50 $2.97
Juniper Needle $22.50 $6.30
Lavender (French) $8.91 $2.97
Lemon $4.95 $2.97
Lemon Balm (Melissa) $7.20 $2.97
Lemon Verbena $13.50 $4.50
Lemongrass $6.75 $2.97
Lily 10% $9.99 $3.60
Lily Absolute $45.00 $14.40
Lime $5.40 $2.97
Magnolia 10% (India) $10.80 $3.60
Magnolia Absolute (India) $36 $11.25
Marigold (S. Africa) $15.30 $4.50
Muguet (Lily of the Valley) $32.40 $9
Mugwort $8.10 $2.97
Myrrh $22.50 $7.20
Myrtle $6.30 $2.97
Neroli $10.80 $3.60
Nutmeg $8.55 $2.97
Oakmoss $9 $2.97
Orange $4.05 $2.97
Orchid 15% $17.10 $7.20
Orchid Absolute $54 $18
Oregano $9 $2.97
Palmarosa $8.55 $2.97
Palo Santo 15% $13.50 $4.50
Patchouli $13.50 $4.50
Pennyroyal $7.20 $2.97
Peppermint $9 $2.97
Petitgrain $4.95 $2.97
Pine Needle $8.55 $2.97
Ravensara (Madagascar) $5.40 $2.97
Rose De Mai 10% (India) $18 $5.85
Rose Geranium $9 $2.97
Rosemary $5.85 $2.97
Rosewood 12% (Brazil) $8.10 $3.60
Rosewood 100% (Brazil) $54 $16.20
Rue (Spain) $12.60 $4.50
Saffron Absolute 2.5% $13.50 $4.50
Sandalwood 15% (Australia) $16.20 $4.50
Sandalwood 100% (Australia) $31.50 $9.99
Sandalwood 78% $27 $8.55
Spearmint $7.20 $2.97
Spikenard (Nepal) $18 $5.40
Star Anise (China) $6.75 $2.97
Styrax 90% $16.20 $5.40
Tarragon $7.20 $2.97
Tea Tree $4.50 $2.97
Thyme $9 $2.97
Tulip Absolute $18 $6.30
Turmeric $4.95 $2.97
Valerian 15% $5.40 $2.97
Valerian $16.20 $5.40
Vanilla $6.30 $2.97
Vetivert $27 $8.10
Violet Leaf 15% $12.60 $4.50
Violet Leaf Absolute $45 $15.30
White Tea 10% $8.55 $2.97
White Tea Absolute $27 $9
Wintergreen $5.85 $2.97
Wormwood (USA) $9 $2.97
Yarrow $6.30 $2.97
Ylang Ylang $14.40 $4.50
Yuzu $11.70 $3.60
$4.95 per 1/8 oz (dram), $16.20 per half ounce
ANOINTING - Use to anoint candles, talismans, and amulets for general use, cleansing and blessing
ARCHANGEL - To draw upon the energy of Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel for angelic favor
ATTRACTION - All-purpose blend to attract luck, love and money
BANISHING - Remove unwanted persons, situations, and energies from your life
BETTER BUSINESS - Attract new clients, resources, and opportunities for your business
BLOCKBUSTER - Break through tough obstacles in life and create new paths to opportunity
CALM & RELAX - Soothe stress and anxiety for a more tranquil state of mind
CHAKRA HEALING - Bring all of your energy centers into open, balanced alignment
CLEOPATRA’S DESIRE - Subtle but alluring; leave the thought of you lingering in the minds of people you interact with
COME PLAY IN THE WOODS - For a playful frolic with a lusty lover
COME TO ME - Powerful, classic New Orleans blend to attract the love you desire
COURT CASE - Used to turn the judge and jury of a court case in your favor
CROWN OF SUCCESS - Gain the upper hand in difficult situations, for business and otherwise
CUT & CLEAR - Remove old relationships from your life and let yourself move on
EASY LIFE - Bring a steady flow of cash and maintain positive energy in your life
ESSENCE OF BEND OVER - Classic Louisiana blend for commanding control over life’s many situations; breaks jinxes, commands troublesome people to leave, makes you more agreeable to people and difficult people easier to deal with
FAST LUCK - Classic New Orleans blend for making things happen quickly in your favor
FERTILITY - Invite a new soul to find its place in your family line
FIERY WALL OF PROTECTION - Create a powerful wall of protection around you or those you care about
FLORIDA WATER - A powerful, traditional blend for cleansing and clearing energy
FOLLOW ME BOY - Attract the man you desire – a strong yet subtle compelling blend
FOLLOW ME GIRL - Attract the woman you desire – a strong yet subtle compelling blend
FRENCH LOVE - A delicious blend for attracting true love to you
GET A JOB - Helps you find the right job for you; use with Fast Luck when speed is needed
GET OVER YOUR EX - Unbind yourself from past lovers to move on in your relationships
GOOD HEALTH - Promote wellness and maintain positive energy in your body
GROUNDING - Call on the receptive energy of the Earth to release chaos, increase stability, and connect to your roots
HEALING - Comfort and soothe mental, emotional, and physical ailments
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR - Classic root worker’s oil of macerated High John Roots in olive oil; anoint candles, talismans, amulets or mojo bags in place of carrying the root itself
HOT ROMANCE - Entice a sizzling sensual connection and deepen desire
HOUSE BLESSING - Cleanse a new or existing house and make the energy favorable to a peaceful, happy life
JUPITER - Invoke the mighty energy of the king of the gods for business, expansion, abundance, luck, and all the benefits of Jupiter
KING SOLOMON - Invoke the powerful magician of the Bible to gain control and command of your life
LADY’S MYSTIQUE #7 - A subtle blend of sweet scents used to create an air of mystery to allure and attract
LAW KEEP AWAY - Keep the law of the land from meddling in your affairs and out of your business
LOVE HEALING - Heal a broken heart and help it receive new love again
LOVE UNCROSSING - Remove blockages and old energy for success in love
LUCKY BUDDHA - Used for fortune and drawing auspicious circumstances
LUCKY LODESTONE - Classic hoodoo blend for attraction of anything you need, money, love, or otherwise
LUV LUV LUV - All-purpose love attraction formula to bring you the best possible lover
FOCUS - Clear your mind so you can make the right decision and ease the ill effects of addictive distractions
MARITAL BLISS - Encourage positive, harmonious, faithful relations in a committed relationship
MARS - Invoke the energy of the warrior god; for master, magnetism, motivation, potency and power and to get things moving
MERCURY - Seek favor from the messenger god; for communication, travel, business, group work and information
MONEY DRAWING - Pull in financial resources from all avenues for prosperity, abundance, and financial security
MOON - For drawing on your intuition, getting in touch with your emotions, and all celebrations of the moon
NEPTUNE - Ask the god of creativity and illusion for aid with psychic abilities, seeking deeper knowledge and creative inspiration
NINE MYSTERIES - Help access love, luck, money, power, success/happiness, vision, protection, peace and healing
OIL OF THE MADONNAS - Call upon the blessed Mother Mary in any of her forms for blessings and guidance
PEACE & PROTECTION - Bring calm, restful energy to the mind or to the home and guard against harm
PLUTO - Call upon the god of the underworld for guidance through rebirth and transformation
POSITIVE ENERGY - Brighten and boost any intention
PROPHETIC DREAM - Use prior to sleep for gaining clear insights during dream work
PSYCHIC VISION - A root worker’s blend for assistance in all methods of divination
RAINBOW BRIDGE - Used to honor the passing of animal companions
REVERSING - Cancel out magical intentions made against you and return the energy to where it came from
ROAD OPENER - Clear the path of obstacles so you can reach opportunity
RUN DEVIL RUN - Create an environment to send evil running
SAME-SEX SEDUCTION - Blended for drawing in partners in queer relationships
SAINT EXPEDITE - Call upon this saint to get things done quickly when timeliness is critical
SAN CIPRIANO - Saint Cyprian was a magician who gave up sorcery for love; ask his assistance in returning a love to you or in any magical workings
SANTA MUERTE - Santa Muerte is the holy saint of death; ask for her assistance in matters of protection, love, health, and more
SATURN - Request aid from the god of structure and time in matters of karma, lessons, time, and to reward hard work
SPELLBREAKER - Remove negative intentions and hexes from yourself and your home
SPIRIT - Seek connection and guidance from the divine
SPIRITUAL CLEANSE - Restore yourself to your natural, radiant state of energetic wholeness
STOP PSYCHIC ATTACK - End the efforts of others to mentally, spiritually, or energetically assault you
SWEET SUCCESS - Unlock the sweetness in life for greater success in all endeavors
SUN - A radiant blend invoking the powerful life-giving star for happiness, success, lightened spirits and courage
UNCROSSING - Clear away negativity, bad habits, old energy and anything that no longer serves you to keep moving forward
VAN VAN - A classic New Orleans blend; cleanses and breaks up lingering negativity, especially good when used as a floor wash
VENUS - Invoke the goddess of love, beauty, and wealth for bringing you all the good things in life
23RD PSALM - Petition the divine for peace, protection, and resources during difficult times
$8.10 per 1/2 oz, $2.97 per dram
Dragon’s Blood
Musk (Chinese)
Musk (Egyptian)
Orris Root
$19.98 per 10ml roll-on
CALM & RELAX: Find a sense of peace and wholeness in the face of chaos.
CHAKRA HEALING: Balance and open all your energetic centers.
COME TO ME: Draw in all kinds of romantic, sensual, and soulful connections.
FAST LUCK: Tip the scales in your favor.
FOCUS: Clear the way for insightful decision-making and intentions.
GROUNDING: Let go of energy that does not serve you and draw strength from your roots.
HEALING HEART: Release wounds from past relationships to restore your emotional center.
MONEY DRAWING: Attract greater financial resources through all avenues.
POSITIVE ENERGY: Bring joy and blessings to all your intentions.
PROTECTION: Wrap yourself in a wall of strength and security against harmful intentions.
ROAD OPENER: Clear your path to opportunity.
ESSENTIAL OILS derived from the roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, or sap of plants. Use for aromatherapy or magical purposes.
CONDITION OILS magically blended for specific intentions. Use to anoint items or in an oil burner to spread magical energy.
FRAGRANCE OILS Made to safely, ethically replicate various scents not otherwise available. Please do not wear directly.
PERFUMES Carry your magical intentions everywhere you go! Each blend is formulated to be skin-safe with all-natural, high quality essential oils and skin-loving fractionated coconut oil. Sold in a convenient 10ml roll-on bottle.
herbs | waters | Curios
Florida Water 16oz – $14.85
Florida Water 7.5oz – $7.65
Florida Water 4oz – $5.85
Florida Water 2oz – $4.50
Florida Water Soap – $3.60
Rose Water 8oz – $12.60
Rose Water 4oz – $8.55
Rose Water 2oz – $6.30
Price Per Ounce
Agrimony – $2.97
Alkanet Root – $3.60
Alkanet Root Powder – $3.60
Allspice Berry – $1.35
Allspice Powder – $1.35
Althea Root – $1.98
Althea Root Powder – $2.97
Angelica Root – $2.97
Angelical Root Powder – $2.97
Anise Seed – $2.97
Arnica Flowers – $2.97
Balm of Gilead – $8.55
Barberry Bark Powder – $2.25
Basil Leaf – $1.35
Bay Laurel – $1.35
Bayberry Bark – $2.97
Bayberry Bark Powder – $3.60
Bergamot Leaves – $3.60
Beth Root – $9.99
Black Cohosh – $5.85
Black Cohosh Powder – $5.85
Black Pepper Whole – $2.97
Black Walnut Hull Powder – $4.50
Blessed Thistle – $2.97
Boneset Powder – $3.60
Burdock Root – $2.97
Calamus Root – $4.50
Calendula Flowers – $2.97
Cardamon Pods – $5.85
Cardamon Seed Powder – $9.45
Cascara Segrada Bark – $1.35
Catnip Leaves – $1.98
Cayenne Pepper – $2.97
Cedar – $2.97
Celery Seeds – $2.97
Chamomile Flowers – $2.97
Chaste Tree Berry Powder – $2.52
Chia Seed – $1.80
Chrysanthemum Flowers – $7.65
Cilantro Leaf – $2.97
Cinnamon Chips – $2.97
Cinnamon Powder – $2.97
Cloves Whole – $4.50
Clove Powder – $4.50
Comfrey Leaf – $1.98
Comfrey Root – $2.97
Coriander Seed – $2.97
Cubeb Berries – $9.45
Damiana Mexicana – $2.70
Dandelion Leaf – $2.97
Deerstongue – $4.50
Devil’s Shoestring – $11.25
Devil’s Shoestring Powder – $14.40
Dill Seed – $2.97
Dittany of Crete – $4.95
Echinacea – $5.85
Elderberry – $2.97
Elecampne – $2.97
Eucalyptus – $3.60
Five Finger Grass (Cinquefoil) – $6.75
Galangal (Low John Root) – $2.97
Gentian Root – $4.50
Ginger – $2.97
Grains of Paradise – $5.85
Hawthorne Berries – $1.35
Heal All Leaves – $2.97
Hibiscus Flower – $2.97
Horehound Leaves – $1.98
Hyssop Leaves – $3.60
Irish Moss – $3.78
Irish Moss Powder – $4.50
Jasmine Flower – $3.60
Juniper Berries – $2.97
Juniper Needles – $1.80
Kava Kava Root Powder – $9.45
Knot Grass – $5.85
Lady’s Mantle – $2.97
Lavender Flower – $3.60
Lemon Balm (Melissa) – $2.97
Lemon Peel – $1.35
Lemon Verbena – $3.78
Lemongrass – $2.97
Licorice Stick – $0.99
Licorice Root – $4.50
Licorice Root Powder – $1.35
Life Everlasting Flowers – $4.50
Linden Flower – $3.60
Lodestone Food – $0.99
Lovage Root – $2.97
Mandrake Root – $3.78
Mandrake Root Powder – $3.15
Marshmallow Leaves $4.95
Master of the Woods – $5.85
Meadowsweet – $3.15
Mistletoe – $2.97
Moringa Leaf – $1.98
Motherwort – $2.97
Mugwort – $2.97
Mullein – $1.35
Mustard Seed Brown – $2.97
Mustard Seed Yellow – $2.97
Myrtle Leaf – $3.60
Nutmeg Whole – $1.35
Nutmeg Powder – $4.50
Oak White – $1.35
Olive Leaf – $1.98
Olive Leaf Powder – $2.25
Orange Peel – $1.35
Oregano – $2.97
Orris Root (Queen Elizabeth Root) – $4.50
Orris Root Powder – $4.50
Palo Santo Chips – $4.50
Palo Santo Powder – $4.50
Papaya Leaf – $3.60
Passion Flower – $2.97
Passion Flower Powder – $2.97
Patchouli Leaf – $4.50
Patchouli Leaf Powder $5.40
Pennyroyal – $2.97
Peony Root – $5.85 (Out of Stock)
Peony Root Powder – $6.75
Peppermint – $3.15
Periwinkle – $3.60
Pine White – $2.97
Plantain Leaf – $1.98
Poke Root – $2.97
Pomegranate Fruit Powder – $3.60
Poppy Seeds – $2.97
Queen of the Meadow Leaf – $3.15
Queen of the Meadow (Gravel Root) – $3.60
Raspberry Leaves – $2.97
Red Clover – $2.97
Rose Buds – $3.60
Rose Hips – $3.60
Rosemary – $1.35
Rue – $5.85
Safflower Powder – $8.55
Sage Green Powder – $2.97
Sage White – $2.97
Sage White Powder – $4.95
Samson Snake Root – $9.99
Sandalwood Powder (Mysore) – $4.50
Sandalwood Red Chips – $9
Sandalwood Red Powder – $9
Sandalwood Yellow Chips – $11.25
Sarsaparilla Root – $1.98
Sassafras – 2.70
Sesame Seed – $0.99
Sesame Seed (Black) – $0.99
Shasta Sage (Desert Sage) – $2.97
Sheep Sorrel – $1.98
Shepherd’s Purse – $1.98
Skullcap Leaf – $4.95
Slippery Elm Bark Powder – $4.95
Solomon Seal Root – $7.65
Spearmint Leaves – $4.50
Spikenard Root – $5.85
St John’s Wort Cut – $2.97
St John’s Wort Powder – $2.97
Star Anise – $4.95
Stinging Nettles – $2.97
Thyme Leaf – $1.98
Valerian Root – $3.60
Vervain – $3.60
Violet Leaf – $3.60
Witchhazel – $2.25
Wild Cherry Bark – $2.97
Wild Lettuce Leaf – $5.85
White Willow – $2.70
Wintergreen – $2.97
Wood Betony – $2.97
Wormwood – $2.97
Yarrow Flower – $1.98
Yarrow Flower Powder $2.25
Yellow Dock Root – $1.80
Yellow Dock Root Powder – $2.52
Yerba Santa – $2.97
Activated Charcoal – $3.60/oz
Adam & Eve Root – $4.95 each
Asafoetida/Devil’s Dung – $5.85 each
Bat’s Head Root – $8.55 each
Bat’s Heart – $8.55 each
Black Salt – $2.70/oz
Blue Balls – $0.99 each
Buckeyes – $2.97 each
Camphor – $3.60 per block
Crown Blue – $1.53 each
Efun/Cascarilla – $1.26 each
High John Root Small – $4.95 each
High John Root Medium – $9 each
High John Root Large – $15.30 each
High John Root XL – $27 each
High John Root Giant – $39.60 each
Lodestone Food – $0.99/oz
Lodestone Small – $0.99 each
Lodestone Medium – $1.80 each
Lodestone Large – $4.50 each
Lodestone XL – $9 each
Gold Lodestone – $4.50 each
Red Lodestone – $4.50 each
White Lodestone – $4.50 each
Lucky Hand Root – $6.75 each
Patchouli Love Root – $6.75 each
Queen Elizabeth Root – Out of Stock $6.75 each
Rose of Jericho – $8.10 each
Saltpeter – $3.60/oz
Saltpeter powder – $0.99/oz
Sulphur – $2.97/oz
Wishing Beans – $0.99 each
Wolf’s Eye – $13.50 each
$4.20 per ¼ ounce
Water - dive deep into intuition; mugwort, skullcap, willow bark, lavender, & anise hyssop
Air - chill out; mullein, chamomile, passionflower, lemon balm, & lavender
Fire - feel the love; raspberry leaf, marshmallow root, catnip, damiana, & rose petals
CLEANSING WATERS Includes Florida Water, Hoyt's Cologne, Rose Water, and various others for different purposes.
LOOSE HERBS Dried loose herbs are great for spa applications, candle dressing, baths, mojo bags and more. Our herbs are not intended for internal use. Sold by the whole ounce.
MAGICAL CURIOS “Curiosities”; herbs and minerals used for traditional magical purposes such as luck, love drawing, and personal power.
SMOKING BLENDS Intentionally crafted blends of smokable herbs. All ingredients are organic or wild harvested. Must be 21 to purchase.