cost: $44 | in-person
The most powerful tool we have to transform ourselves and our world is available to us at all times. The lens of gratitude is the catalyst through which blessings flow.
In this 2-hour workshop you will be introduced to “grati-tools”.
Applying these strategies to your life is a game changer for the way you experience the world, the vibration you exist in and what you attract into your life.
We are the creators of our lives.
Through becoming gratitude and living in this lens- you will create a life of your highest potential! Let me show you the tools you hold to awaken your abundance!
instructor: Tiffany Lester
Hello, I am Tiffany Lester, your energy alchemist. I am an alchemist because I support you in turning fear into love and self doubt into empowerment. Through energetic wellness tools and the practice of Reiki - I support you in transmuting into the best version of yourself. I'm a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), as well as a Master Social Worker ( MSW) and Certified Life Coach (CLC). After 15 years as a professional social worker in the field of Mental Health, Child Welfare and Hospice, I made the shift to a path of purpose work. I have been practicing Reiki since March 2013 and received my Reiki Master Certification in 2016. Since that time, I have been providing Reiki services, Empowerment Coaching and Reiki classes. Last year- 2023, I expanded my practice to offer larger classes in the RVA community and this year incorporated Master Level Reiki Retreats. Be on the lookout for The Nu Wave Collective, a group Master Reiki Healers who I am so thrilled to be working with! You can learn more about the Collective and myself at